Multi strands beaded head ornament. Nagaland India 1930-1940's

Multi small bead necklaces are worn by men and women of all Naga tribes. Glass beads are an important ornament in every women's diary. The beads are imported from Czechoslovakia and Venice at the turn of the century (late19th-20th century).The Nagas are aboriginal tribes of Mongoloid people, occupy a small area of North-eastern India and Burma. The varied terrain consist of mountains, hills, narrow valleys and jungles that isolates tribe from tribe. Geography and limited external contact kept the Naga cultural customs and concepts unique.

Diameter: 38 cm

Width: 7cm

Height: 27cm

Weight: 101.5g

Code: S/Pmc

Shipping: $25 (Domestic shipping within USA only. Enquire for international shipping.)

Price ($250)